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Cambodia's Rice Exports Surge, Earning Millions

In a promising start to the year, Cambodia has seen a remarkable surge in its milled rice exports, marking a significant increase of 25.2 pe...

Cambodia's Rice Exports Surge, Earning Millions

In a promising start to the year, Cambodia has seen a remarkable surge in its milled rice exports, marking a significant increase of 25.2 percent compared to the previous year. According to the Cambodia Rice Federation (CRF), the country exported 46,221 tonnes of milled rice in January alone, resulting in a substantial 13 percent year-over-year rise in income to $32.6 million from rice exports.

A recent report by the World Food Programme and USAID highlights the global implications of India's ban on rice exports since 2023. The report, titled ‘Market & Seasonal Monitoring Update,’ indicates that India's decision, influenced by lower domestic production due to El Niño, has had significant repercussions on the international rice market, including a spillover effect on Cambodia.

The European Union emerged as the top buyer of Cambodian rice, accounting for a staggering 54 percent of total exports. Data from the CRF reveals that European countries purchased as much as 25,005 tonnes of rice from Cambodia. Following closely behind were ASEAN countries with 11,999 tonnes, and China along with its autonomous regions with 5,171 tonnes.

Despite the surge in exports, experts note that Cambodia's domestic rice prices have seen only marginal impacts. Soeung Saroeun, executive director of NGO Forum, emphasized that while overall rice exports are positive, some areas experienced shortages, leading to slightly higher prices. Additionally, the World Food Programme's report indicates a 1.6 percent increase in Cambodia's rice price index, with mixed rice prices soaring by 32.7 percent in December 2023.

Experts believe that investing in irrigation systems could further boost Cambodia's rice production. With rice cultivation heavily reliant on water, better management of existing water sources such as small streams and rivers could greatly benefit farmers with limited land holdings. Researchers stress the importance of government initiatives in enhancing water management practices to support agricultural sustainability and improve yields.

Cambodia's impressive surge in rice exports underscores its growing prominence in the global market. Despite challenges such as fluctuating prices and potential shortages, the country remains resilient, leveraging its agricultural strengths to contribute significantly to the international rice trade. Moving forward, continued investments in infrastructure and sustainable farming practices will be key to maintaining Cambodia's position as a leading rice exporter on the world stage.

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