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Empowering Communities: Cambodia Invests in Natural Resource Protection

In a bid to combat forest crime and bolster environmental conservation efforts, the Ministry of Environment in Cambodia allocated a substant...

Empowering Communities: Cambodia Invests in Natural Resource Protection

In a bid to combat forest crime and bolster environmental conservation efforts, the Ministry of Environment in Cambodia allocated a substantial sum of $250,000 to local communities. Khvay Atitya, the Ministry's spokesperson, revealed that this funding aims to incentivize citizens to actively participate in safeguarding natural resources.

Atitya disclosed that between 2017 and 2023, a total of $1,750,000 has been allocated to local communities for resource protection. These funds facilitate initiatives such as providing new animal breeds, fostering entrepreneurship, and promoting sustainable practices like cultivating vegetables for personal consumption and sale in local markets.

Efforts extend beyond financial aid, with the Ministry supplying breeding livestock and spearheading eco-tourism ventures across promising communities. Atitya highlighted success stories where 45 out of 193 communities have embraced eco-tourism, attracting visitors to green destinations while preserving natural habitats.

Infrastructure development isn't overlooked, with water supply systems and essential infrastructure projects underway, particularly in Pursat and Preah Vihear provinces. The Ministry's commitment extends to establishing nature protection communities, comprising over 73,000 families managing vast tracts of state land.

Local forums on natural resource conservation have been instrumental since 2017, fostering collaboration among stakeholders. Sun Pov, a community representative, emphasized the importance of landscape protection areas and expanding natural resource communities, stressing the need for public involvement in conservation efforts.

Pov advocated for greater transparency and public engagement, urging the Ministry and stakeholders to involve nature enthusiasts in conservation activities. This inclusive approach, he believes, is crucial for preserving Cambodia's rich biodiversity and ensuring the longevity of its forests.

At a recent event, Minister of Environment Eang Sophalleth underscored the pivotal role of the General Department of Local Communities in spearheading community-driven conservation efforts. Emphasizing a holistic approach, Sophalleth highlighted the Department's focus on promoting entrepreneurship and sustainable economic development within protected areas.

The General Department's mandate includes mobilizing public-private partnerships to support community initiatives, ranging from agriculture to ecotourism. By fostering entrepreneurship and investment in protected areas, the Department aims to create thriving, sustainable economies rooted in environmental stewardship.

With Cambodia's steadfast commitment to empowering local communities and promoting sustainable development, the nation is poised to lead the charge in environmental conservation and community-driven initiatives. Through collaborative efforts and inclusive policies, Cambodia stands as a beacon of hope for biodiversity preservation and sustainable growth.

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