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Ly Thuch Leads Cambodian Delegation to Ghana for Landmine Conference

Ly Thuch, the first vice president of the Cambodian Mine Action Authority (CMAA), is set to spearhead a Cambodian delegation's participa...

Ly Thuch Leads Cambodian Delegation to Ghana for Landmine Conference

Ly Thuch, the first vice president of the Cambodian Mine Action Authority (CMAA), is set to spearhead a Cambodian delegation's participation in a crucial regional conference addressing the humanitarian impact of landmines. The conference, slated to take place in Accra, Ghana, from February 13 to 15, 2024, underscores global efforts to mitigate the devastation wrought by these lethal remnants of conflict.

In an official statement released by the CMAA on February 9, 2024, it was revealed that Ly Thuch will assume the role of chairman at the 5th Review Meeting Convention on the Prohibition of Anti-Personnel Mines, known as the Ottawa Convention. With Cambodia bearing the scars of past conflicts, Thuch's leadership holds immense significance as he is poised to shed light on Cambodia's mine action initiatives and outline preparations for the upcoming 5th Review Meeting slated to be held in Siem Reap later in 2024.

Amidst the backdrop of his pivotal role at the conference, Thuch is slated to engage in high-level discussions with ambassadors aimed at garnering additional support for Cambodia's demining endeavors. The pressing need for sustained assistance underscores the magnitude of the challenge Cambodia faces in ridding its lands of these deadly devices. Thuch's diplomatic overtures seek to rally international solidarity in the shared pursuit of a landmine-free future.

At the heart of Thuch's agenda lies the Siem Reap-Angkor Action Plan, a comprehensive strategy designed to guide Cambodia's mine action efforts over the next five years. With a focus on strategic coordination, capacity-building, and resource mobilization, the Action Plan epitomizes Cambodia's steadfast commitment to eradicating the scourge of landmines and fostering sustainable development in affected regions.

As Thuch assumes the mantle of leadership at the Ottawa Convention, his impassioned plea for continued support resonates across borders. The Ottawa Convention stands as a beacon of hope, embodying the collective resolve of the international community to banish the specter of anti-personnel mines once and for all. Thuch's advocacy underscores the imperative of upholding the Convention's principles and redoubling efforts to safeguard civilian lives from the perils of landmines.

In summary, Ly Thuch's pivotal role at the upcoming conference in Ghana heralds a new chapter in Cambodia's ongoing battle against landmines. With unwavering determination and diplomatic finesse, Thuch navigates the intricate terrain of international diplomacy, championing the cause of mine-affected communities and forging alliances in pursuit of a safer, more secure world.

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