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Ministry's Initiative Aims at Climate Change Mitigation

In a concerted effort to combat the looming threat of climate change, the Ministry of Environment has unveiled a series of bold policies and...

Ministry's Initiative Aims at Climate Change Mitigation

In a concerted effort to combat the looming threat of climate change, the Ministry of Environment has unveiled a series of bold policies and strategies aimed at the conservation and sustainable management of natural resources.

Since assuming office, Minister of Environment Eang Sophalleth has spearheaded a campaign focused on afforestation, with the ambitious target of planting one million trees annually.

Under Sophalleth's leadership, over 700,000 saplings have already been amassed, with significant progress made as park rangers across the nation have planted more than 416,163 saplings, marking a substantial step towards environmental restoration.

Taking a personal interest in the initiative, Sophalleth has overseen the distribution of 300,000 palm trees within a year, signaling a hands-on approach to tackling climate challenges.

The Ministry's broader campaign, initiated in October 2023, aims at distributing over one million seedlings annually, with the ultimate goal of surpassing 60% forest coverage by 2050, ensuring a sustainable ecological future.

Ministry spokesman Khvay Atitya emphasized the institution's commitment to implementing comprehensive policies and strategies to mitigate climate change impacts and bolster environmental resilience.

Highlighting the Circular Strategy Environment 2023-2028, Atitya stressed its role in leveraging environmental assets for the nation's benefit across generations.

The Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan outlines a roadmap for reducing vulnerability to climate change, focusing on emissions reduction and sustainable development.

Moreover, the National REDD+ Strategy 2017-2026 targets emissions reduction from deforestation, emphasizing sustainable forest management.

Implementing the Sustainable Land Use Plan, the Ministry aims to curb deforestation through promoting sustainable practices and community involvement.

Atitya underscored the promotion of renewable energy sources and the green economy, highlighting initiatives to reduce fossil fuel dependence and encourage sustainable production and consumption patterns.

As Cambodia grapples with the challenges posed by climate change, the Ministry of Environment's proactive stance underscores a commitment to safeguarding the nation's ecological future. With innovative policies and strategic initiatives, the path toward climate resilience and sustainable development is paved, ensuring a greener and more prosperous tomorrow for generations to come.

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