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Nordic Delegation Witnesses Cambodia's Healthcare Triumphs

A joint delegation comprising Members of Parliament (MPs) from Denmark, Norway, and Sweden recently concluded a four-day mission to Cambodia...

Nordic Delegation Witnesses Cambodia's Healthcare Triumphs

A joint delegation comprising Members of Parliament (MPs) from Denmark, Norway, and Sweden recently concluded a four-day mission to Cambodia, shedding light on the remarkable advancements in maternal and child healthcare within the nation. Supported by Nordic countries through multilateral partnerships, programs by Gavi the Vaccine Alliance, Global Fund, and UNICEF have played pivotal roles in this progress.

The delegation's visit, organized by Cambodia’s Ministry of Health in collaboration with Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, and UNICEF, aimed to delve into the impact of global and local collaborations on women’s and children’s health. Key stakeholders engaged in discussions emphasizing the importance of partnerships in combating the pandemic's adverse effects and promoting equitable access to primary healthcare.

Cambodia's routine immunization program has emerged as a beacon of success in Southeast Asia, boasting vaccination coverage rates exceeding 80% for DPT3 (diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus). Over the past decade, the country has integrated seven new vaccines into its program, including the pentavalent vaccine, PCV vaccine, IPV vaccine, JE vaccine, MR vaccine, and HPV vaccine, with crucial support from Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.

The nation's efforts in vaccination extend beyond routine immunization, with COVID-19 vaccination achieving over 90% coverage for the population aged three and above by September 2021. Moreover, Cambodia has witnessed significant reductions in HIV transmission, tuberculosis (TB), and malaria over the years, achieving global HIV targets and transitioning out of the list of high TB burden countries.

During their visit, the delegation explored field activities in Siem Reap province, including the remote floating village of Meat Kla. Witnessing firsthand the challenges and efforts to strengthen health systems, the delegation gained insights into the delivery of primary healthcare services such as immunization, antenatal and postnatal care, nutrition screening, and malaria testing to underserved communities.

Expressing their admiration for the initiatives undertaken in Cambodia, Norwegian parliamentarians Ã…smund Aukrust and Dag Inge Ulstein lauded the impactful work carried out by various organizations within the country.

The joint delegation's visit underscores the importance of international collaboration in driving progress in healthcare. Cambodia's achievements in maternal and child health stand as a testament to the transformative power of partnerships in advancing global health agendas and ensuring the well-being of communities worldwide.

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