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US Ambassador Murphy Backs Cambodia's Bid for GSP Trade Status

In a significant development for Cambodia's trade aspirations, US Ambassador W. Patrick Murphy has voiced support for the country's ...

US Ambassador Murphy Backs Cambodia's Bid for GSP Trade Status

In a significant development for Cambodia's trade aspirations, US Ambassador W. Patrick Murphy has voiced support for the country's efforts to regain its Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) trade status. Despite previous setbacks, Murphy's endorsement during a recent meeting with Cambodian officials signals renewed hope for bilateral trade relations.

During the meeting with Minister of Planning Bin Trachhey, Ambassador Murphy expressed optimism regarding Cambodia's reinstatement into the GSP program. This status, crucial for preferential trade benefits, lapsed in 2020 due to concerns over political and human rights issues, as well as labor standards.

Accompanied by key US officials including Kerry Pelzman and Aleksandra Zittle, Murphy's visit underscored the importance of enhancing economic ties between the two nations. Discussions centered on Cambodia's developmental strategies, including the National Strategic Development Plan 2024-2028 and efforts to transition to an Upper Middle-Income Country by 2030.

Addressing Cambodia's commitment to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Ambassador Murphy highlighted ongoing US projects aimed at bolstering various sectors including agriculture, education, and technology. He commended Cambodia's progress towards achieving its economic milestones, emphasizing the significance of bilateral trade.

Recognizing Cambodia's status as a significant export market for the US, Murphy stressed the potential benefits of reinstating the GSP status. The program, designed to facilitate trade with developing nations, offers duty-free entry for thousands of products, promoting economic growth and development.

Cambodia's endeavors to reclaim GSP privileges have seen diplomatic initiatives, including discussions with US congressional representatives and formal petitions. Despite challenges, both nations remain committed to exploring avenues for collaboration and addressing eligibility criteria set by the US Trade Representative.

The meeting reaffirmed the mutual commitment to enhancing cooperation between Cambodia's Ministry of Planning and the United States, particularly through initiatives supported by USAID. Projects such as the Demographic and Health Survey and Agricultural Census underscore the depth of collaboration between the two nations.

As Cambodia navigates its economic trajectory, diplomatic support from the US provides a beacon of hope for its trade aspirations. With concerted efforts and ongoing dialogue, the prospect of reinstating GSP status remains within reach, promising mutual benefits for both nations in the realm of trade and development.

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